Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Depressing, how very little we know about ourselves
And yet life goes on
Turbulents keep coming creating colder weather when it should be 15 degrees hotter
Our memory will live through epochs of time, well maybe not
Our molecules will eventually turn to dust and testaments proven true or false
Those fake people that blurb and try to think themselves so much higher than the rest of us
Livid it makes me, like I’m there Serif making my spindrifts of the world.
So very very little compared to their accomplishments
Yes, anger has founded me. Specifically frustration.
Status of my mind? Garbled. I might as well not make sense when I say things like The strata is full of gorgonzola autumns where I have posted Onehow a great lecture of Evolution
NO…Wrong….I don’t think so
The unpacific ocean I say, I am a belater
Decomposition takes its place like a termite to a tree
Get ready, get set…Go
The Silvian marks during a Funeral
I end on a high note
Happiness is more than an emotion.

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