Today in creative writing we were told to write poems using interesting words we picked out of a poetry packet we were given the first day of class. I decided to post mine.
What Fun is That?
What are these words on this page I write?
Flowing like a blurb on the back of a Film's casing
These words of which most I do not understand
Or possibly have heard before but never acknowledged
I could write anything, any word, any phrase
I could make sense, but what fun is that?
You make me livid now that's a word!
Explaining the decomposition of Evolution because my faith is strong in the one up there
No matter how dense is the strata of (atmo)spheres the turbulent exists in epochs of time
As I analyze every molecule of Everything under the sun in autum
Even the Gorgonzola cheese
I could make sense, but what fun is that?
Founded that unpacifc sounds like specific
As serifs create Silvian anywhen they please
Making spindrifts in the ocean and testaments to someone they don't fully understand
Yes what's posted on the slates of his are true
Onehow is a belater of one's status in all shapes and sizes
I could make sense, but what fun is that?
Ok, good. Also you need to post responses to the weekly readings here. One for the Poetry Packet and one for Fluorescence so far.